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The One Where Tylendel Reverse Cowgirls Skari For Fun And Other Reasons
- We take a long rest. Tylendel's weird post-death madness is over now, so he uses the last hour of the rest while Whill is still sleeping to put his soulstone back into Whill's bag.
- We talk about who the hell Ludo is and why nobody knew Zema was in love?! The Ring of Ludo is studied by Tylendel and then handed back to Balasar.
- Skari summons his familiar and it is an imp. Dartin explains that magic works differently in Avernus.
- We fill up our waterskins with holy water from the fountains
- Reya mentions there's a secret in the hellrider base but we tell her to fuck off cuz we're peacin out.
- We talk a bunch about whether we want to fly down or climb the chains down. We settle on climbing the chains down.
- Tarnis and Reya give us weapons as gifts. A shortbow and a longsword. Balasar takes the shortbow and Whill takes the longsword.
- Skari tattoos his summoned imp to match him. One of the tattoos is in encoded secret Skari language that says "Fuck Dartin"
- We go to one of the chains attached to the city and begin our climb down.
- We buddy system up and walk down two by two. Anise and Brek, Skari and Tylendel and Balasar and Whill.
- Tylendel slips off and rolls two crit fails in a row and falls, but Skari polymorphs him to save him. He flutters beside Skari in raven form.
- Brek and Anise make it to the ground alive.
- Skari falls and Brek catches him with Feather Fall, but he will fall into an army of devils below currently fighting an army of demons.
- Tylendel swoops down in his raven form and grabs the front of Skari's robes and pecks his face to get him to drop polymorph on him. Skari drops it and as soon as Tylendel is himself again and is now straddling Skari's chest, Tylendel casts telekinesis on Skari and stops them both in mid-air and then hovers them silently about 40ft above the army and to the side where their party is.
- Balasar and Whill struggle with the chain, Balasar falls and Whill teleports down the chain and uses that momentum to swing Balasar as he falls and they save themselves and climb down.
- We reconvene at the base of the pole and hit Level 10! Yay!!!
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