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The One Where The Sanctity Of High Hall Is Fouled By Music
- We slowly make our way up to the entrance of High Hall. Anise keeps an eye out for traps, and talks about maybe we shouldn't just barge in considering they could be big baddies in there. She suggests doing a perimeter run to scout.
- As she's talking, Brek walks into the front door.
- We walk into a grand foyer that's super fancy with velvet drapes or some shit. Real classy joint. Oh, except everything is torn to shit by swords and claws.
- In the fancy place, we notice there's a giant balcony above us. We talk about having Tylendel sneak around to see if anything is up there getting ready to snipe us from above... but Brek just runs out into the open to look. Sigh.
- Nothing falls on the party from above, so everyone walks out into the open.
- Brek pokes his head through a curtain and sees scary shit and runs back
- Tylendel is sneaky and looks in - sees a big altar of a fist with a winged devil and 3 humans in El Turel-ian clothes on. Not sure if they are slaves or in league with the devil.
- Tylendel tells the party what he sees. They hatch a plan to get Whill to do silent image looking like a devil and motion to the devil near the altar to come over to it.
- Brek, Anise, Skari, Tylendel and Zema head up to the balcony to be able to snipe the devil as soon as it comes out.
- The devil just mutters something annoyedly at the illusory devil but doesn't take the bait. Anise suggests we put a illusion Skari on the main floor and we all hide on the balcony.
- On the balcony is a massive organ with a choir stand. Tylendel inspects the organ to see if it is magical at all. Anise inspects the choir stand to see if anything is hiding in/behind it.
- Turns out the curtains that were hiding the devil and humans doesn't go all the way up to the ceiling, so from the balcony we see over the curtain and everyone sees the altar and devil and humans.
- There is definitely something magical with the organ. Skari determines it is enchantment magic.
- We talk about playing the organ to lure out the devil instead, that way we find out what the organ does and lures the devil out too. Since all of us have ranged attacks except for Balasar, we vote Balasar plays the organ.
- He sits down, Tylendel guides him. Balasar tries to play Don't Stop Believin' and we all DEFINITELY stop believing. D: It is horrendous.
- It does get the devil's attention though. He flies up to attack us and we FIGHT!
- Tylendel didn't realize we were trying to non-lethally kill this devil because IRL I was jotting down these epic notes and so Tylendel totally kills the devil. Oops.
- The humans are like "oh shit balls fuck let's bounce!", one of them is spittin rhymes in Abyssal which none of us speak, but Skari is like "that sounds like Abyssal".
- Skari uses a scroll to stop them from running away. It fails, so he goes all Nachooooooooo Libre and fucking cannonballs off the balcony to tackle them.
- The two that avoided a plummeting goliath are slowly making their way away, Tylendel throws a dagger at one of their achilles tendons and gets it good. That guy was the one speaking abyssal, so we just hear a lot of painful jumbling.
- Whill casts silent image and makes another Skari looking like he's coming in through the front door, which is where these guys were heading towards.
- Balasar sees everyone jumping over the edge, and goes "YARJAREEEEET!" and starts to jump over too, but then sees how high up it is and bails out and just speed walks down the stairs like a grandma at a yarn sale
- Tylendel lets himself drop down and tries to 3-point-land like Trinity from the Matrix but fails horribly and ends up on his back. He windmill spins like a break dancer and stands up making it look like this was all planned. He runs to intercept the guy that just ran past Balasar.
- Balasar grabs the other guy that is running past him and dragon hugs him. He notices the guy's eyes are not normal human eyes - they look milky.
- Brek deems we have things under control and so goes into that altar room where these guys were at the beginning to investigate.
- Brek pulls the fancy level on the altar. The hand that was a fist is now an open palm.
- Tylendel clotheslines the guy that tries to deek past him, and the one Balasar is hugging starts parlaying with Zema asking to be let go.
- Anise suggests we make a contract with the guy.
- We reconvene, Skari dragging the one-legged jumbler over to the group. He casts dispel magic on him and the jumbling stops, and we hear the guy saying he didn't touch the goo.
- Skari realizes there was goo on the leg he was dragging - and as he realizes this his arms painfully grow and turn into tentacles with goliath fingers on the end.
- We're all like "what the actual fuck"
- Zema says "it's not all bad. Maybe they could come in handy?" and Skari gets upset saying "WAS THAT A PUN?!"
- MEANWHILE Brek puts his soul stone into the big palm/hand in the altar and asks Torm to save/cleanse his soul. The palm closes and returns the gems glowey and goddish.
- Brek then notices a panel with a ladder that leads down. He calls out to us to tell us he found something.
- Anise interviews the guy Balasar is holding (Mickey). He is from Jersey Shore. He says they were compelled to follow instructions to "search" this church. Mentions there's a big blue leathery devil in here. We don't know what he was searching for.
- Anise asks if they've sold their souls. He says no, but Anise doesn't believe him. She asks Tylendel to search Jonny's body, but considering Skari just got tentacle arms for touching Mickey, Tylendel instead asks Skari to use Mage Hand to do the groping.
- Skari finds a couple of mundane weapons and 1 soul coin with Jonny's face on it.
- Considering we found a soul coin, he continues to search Mickey next. Mickey asks Bobby (the guy Balasar is holding) for help. Anise explains what soul coins are to them and tells them their souls are bound to those coins.
- We chat a bit about what to do with them, ultimately decide to let them go.
- Tylendel gives the dude whose leg he sliced a healing potion. Anise and Zema head over to Brek in the other room.
- Skari and Tylendel and Whill let the guys go and head over into the other room with the hand altar to join Brek, Anise and Zema.
- Brek shows us the altar and the secret passage he found. He talks Skari through how to use the altar and suggests he use it to heal his tentacle hands.
- Zema suddenly remembers he'd ordered his Skeleton and Zombie servants to guard the front doors of High Hall and attack anything that wasn't us. He looks at Anise and just says "I fucked up..."
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