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The One Where We Take A Big Fall
- We find out that to heal Whill, we need to motivate and inspire Gylurrag out. We start pooling our knowledge together to see how we can coax a dragon out. What do gold dragons like?
- The priest TL;DRs us and tells us that gold dragons thrive on being good and doing good things
- Tylendel offers up that if we stab one another and Whill heals us, that would count as good, but the priest says no.
- We talk about Whill making a giant breakfast buffet for all of the orphans in town, and the priest says that likely isn't going to work either.
- Ezra, as a paladin of Lathander and a paladin of Redemption, he says that Whill needs to fundamentally change his lifestyle and just do little acts of kindness (hold open a door, etc.).
- Tylendel comes to the fact that Whill is basically on his own to cure himself. The party can help create opportunities for him, but he must take it upon himself to do them. And if that's the case, he can do the good things along the way while we focus on curing Zema.
- Tylendel asks Paul if he knows anywhere to find an diamond elemental (to cure Zema) and he says he heard a gnomish priest talk about it once and it sounded like it was its own plane. The plane of gems. The way to get to it is like, a portal within a portal.
- We talk about trying to summon a diamond elemental instead, but Paul says we need to be familiar with the plane from which we are summoning from
- Anise mentions that genies are elementals and if we find one we can use it to get to the elemental plane.
- Tylendel asks if they happen to have a teleportation circle at the temple since we're talking about portals within portals and might get stuck somewhere bad. They say they don't have any of those.
- Priest asks us to stay for the service but we decline since we have a few things to do. He asks if we'll come for the sunrise ceremony, and we say we'll try.
- The priest brings out a fancy glowing chest and we put the demon armor into it
- As Zema pulls the armor out of his bag, the portrait of Jonah falls out and he remembers Jonah. We ask the priest to take him out of the portrait
- The priests pull Jonah out
- Jonah goes on about how awesome it is to hear sound, and touch things. He hasn't had senses in 4 months. He mentions he really wants to pet a cat. Ezra casts Find Steed and summons a massive cat for him to pet.
- Brek gives him a bunch of mushrooms to eat, and Jonah eats them all. Tylendel mentions to Ezra this would have been the perfect time for Whill to do something good - to stop Brek. Whill argues that the man was hungry, so it was nicer to let him eat than to prevent him from eating drugs.
- As they leave, Tylendel makes a show of pretending the door is too heavy for him to open and needs someone big and strong, and everyone else plays the part. Ezra, with his low intelligence, doesn't pick up on this cue to help Whill do good and offers to open the door.
- Brek and Tylendel trip Ezra on his way to open the door and are like "oh no! who will get us out of the church now?"
- Whill just leaves and doesn't hold the door open for us.
- Zema heads to a shop to buy rose-coloured glasses to help with his and Tylendel pulls Ezra aside to explain to him that we have to help Whill, and that whenever he feels the need to jump in and do something nice, to instead just count to ten. If nobody else has done the nice thing, he can do the nice thing.
- We head back to the tavern and meet up in the room to chat.
- Ezra fills us in and tells us that Sylvira has a puzzle box she got from her coworker who was killed, and the messenger that delivered it was also murdered. That she needs different kinds of magic to open it and we can provide what she needs.
- We talk about the pros and cons of helping her, whether something that could attack the city be unleashed, etc. We ultimately decide that helping her will help us help both Whill and Zema.
- We send note to meet her in the tavern for breakfast to discuss the plans
- We have a sleep.
- We meet Sylvira in the tavern and chat. After a bunch of questions, we head out to the crash site with the puzzle box
- Whill, Ezra, Narik and Reya help Sylvira by casting their domain spells on the box to open it.
- The box opened and a scroll comes out that is warded by magic only a divine representative can undo. Zema steps up to take care of it. The note says:
- Be it known to all that I Thavius Creed have sworn to my master Zariel Lord of Avernus to keep these things contained. I serve Zariel and obey her all my days and beyond with fear and civility. All lands falling under the light of the companion are forfeit to Zariel. This dispensation will last 50 years after with the companion will go back to where it came from.
- We realize this is a much bigger problem than Tiamat and should probably head to Avernus so that we can get the original contract from Zariel and destroy it.
- Reya loses her shit and is sobbing saying their entire being is based on a lie.
- We make our way back to the inn to talk about what just happened and what we face ahead
- The light outside of the inn (sun, companion) goes completely dark. There's a huge wind blowing into the inn. The ale in our cups starts to levitate out of the cups
- We feel like we're falling... like, the entire city is falling. We finally crash and then smell brimstone
- We see devils outside and are like "oh shit... "
- Tylendel tries to cast Tiny Hut but the bad companion explodes a house outside and that explosions levels the inn we're in and we're unconscious
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