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The One Where We Set An Airship On Fire
- Brek is missing this session and is missed
- Naranja (orange NPC bird) sits on Ezra's shoulders and grants him some magical protective shroud that gives him advantages on saves against magical effects
- Reya (NPC) attacks a bunch of bird deers that are swarming her while the rest of us ignore her cries for help because fuck that bitch
- Tarnis (NPC) flies into the hole that was blasted in the hull of the ship and out of sight
- Narik (NPC squirrel) also disappears below deck
- Archers try to attack the players on the ship and mostly fail
- Bird deer comes for Nuzzles and Tylendel but they adequately take care of that nonsense
- Reya takes a lickin but once again, nobody cares about that cuntbucket
- Ezra gets hit by a bunch of soldiers
- Brek starts mauling archers
- Whill summons a fucking fire elemental on a wooden ship 2000 feet in the air. D:
- The Fire Elemental disintegrates a nearby ballista operator and sets the ship on fire, the floor beneath him burns through and himself and Whill fall 1 level below into a room full of treasure chests
- The ship gets further fucked
- Ezra destroys the soldier that was attacking him with his holy flail of justice
- Tylendel shoots the bird deer next to him dead, then assists Zema with his bird deer, then flutters about drowily
- Balasar shoots a bird deer dead from the deck of the ship and more importantly gets up off Anise and helps her up
- Zema tolls a bird deer to death
- Anise charms a bunch of nearby soldiers on the deck with her fey presence and they are all scared of this half-elf that just pulled a bloody ballista bolt from her chest and is still standing
- Reya wrestles with griffons in the air and yells for help. Only Tylendel and Zema heard her, and it is undetermined if either of them will admit to having heard her.
- Naranja was about to explode from a cult archer, but Ezra sucked the damage unto himself like a good Lord and Saviour
- The ship begins to accelerate. Panic.
- Reya, still fighting off bird deers and it is not looking good. From a different point of view, this is looking very good because fuck that bitch.
- Brek has a hate on for the archers on the ship and continues to maul them.
- Fire elemental burns a crewman that was hiding below deck to death, then accidentally ignites a keg of gun powder. The explosion sets more of the ship on fire and blasts a hole in the ceiling and walls
- Whill is now on fire, so he recalls his lessons from school and responsibly Stop, Drops and Rolls.
- Ezra ditches the main deck and goes into the nearby room whose door was just blasted open from the explosion. Looks like the ship captain's sexy harem with a chess board.
- Tylendel tries to double-load his stupid crossbow again but fails the wisdom save so he takes necrotic damage and is wounded again, FFS.
- Balasar attacks some soldiers good.
- Zema decides to guiding bolt one of the bird deers attacking Reya
- Anise axes a soldier and politely cuts his head off
- Anise's griffon disables the ballista in front of them and then they hover above the deck a bit
- Naranja gets in Ezra's face (literally) and flutters so close to his eyes Ezra has to close them, at which point he goes supernova and both blinds and stuns the fire elemental.
- Ezra felt like this bird unleashed some celestial energy
- Reya kills the last two bird deers attacking her. Boo.
- Soldiers are still filing out of the lower deck and attacking the players and their griffons.
- Brek tries to thunderwave but it does literally nothing, so he runs into the harem room where he saw Ezra run into
- Whill drinks a super massive healing potion
- Ezra attacks the fire elemental and kills it. Unfortunately, as it dies it ignites a bunch more barrels of gun powder and they fly around and explode everything.
- When Ezra saw the fire elemental dying on the barrels, he used his aasimar glowing wings and peaced out from the ceiling hole
- Unfortunately for Ezra, he didn't get far enough and one of the explosions took what little health he had left and he fell onto the top deck unconscious
- As he's falling, Naranja charges him and explodes into an orange ball of feathers, which gives Ezra 1 hit point (but he's still unconscious)
- Tylendel's griffon tries to throw a soldier away from Balasar who is getting swarmed, but fucks that up, so instead Tylendel shoots him in the face
- Balasar slices and dices the soldiers swarming him
- Zema joins the party and helps fuck up the Balaswarm
- Anise tries to join too, but all of her attacks miss, so she decides to fly over and help Ezra instead
- Ezra wakes up to find a pile of orange feathers on his chest, along with a little egg. He carefully picks up the egg and protects it
- Anise tells her griffon to pick up a near-dead Ezra and raises him angelically from the deck, while she frantically flails her arms to get Zema's healing attention
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