The One Where The Big Boss Shows Up And Then Doesn't
- Balasar is absent for this session and is missed. It was apparently their birthday and they didn't want to spend it with a bunch of nerds
- Meanwhile, back on the boat, Brek and Ezra beat some bitches.
- Whill loots some more while all of us are dying horrible deaths above and finds a bejeweled crown worth 1200 gold pieces. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, especially when it cost the lives of your entire party.
- Tylendel sees the grenadey ball of instant death about to explode beside a shitton of barrels full of more kaboomey shit so does what any albino drow would do - grabs it, whistles for his griffon Nuzzles, and fucking leaps off the side of the boat
- Nuzzles, thankfully, understood that the whistle meant "save me, motherfucker!" and flew off the side of the boat to try to catch Tylendel's falling carcass underneath
- Balasar decapitates the captain's head after he was all "you should keep me alive to fly this ship"
- Zema tolls the dead. Metallica's "For Whom The Bell Tolls" plays in the distance somewhere, probably
- Female half-dragon busts up from below deck all angry and shit. "You can't stop the return of our queen!" and then does the Morpheus "bring it" move.
- Under the ship, the grenadey ball of instant death goes off prematurely and gets into Tylendel's eyes.
- The DM unfairly rules that the ROGUE cannot use EVASION for this uber damage and it's complete BS. The explosion blows Nuzzles off course from catching Tylendel. The DM is clearly just trying to kill Tylendel now, that jerk face.
- Second ball of explodey deathness explodes in the bottom of the hull, widening the floor hole and making Tarnis almost fall out
- Brek greases the floor at the half-dragon's feet and then spins the boat wheel to make her slide off - she keeps her footing and laughs bitchily.
- Whill tells Beakface to dive and to catch Tarnis if he falls (but Beakface only understands "catch")
- Ezra tries to mount Sunny but falls through the floor instead - sees Whill looting and they squabble
- Tylendel is now 120 feet away from the ship and still free falling because fuck Nuzzles. Polymorphs himself into a giant eagle. CAW-CAW! He starts flying back towards the ship
- Balasar flies past on his griffon and swipes his sword at the dragon lady - he misses both times. She is mouthy
- Zema is done with this shit and casts banishment on dragon lady. She fails her saving throw and is banished into another plane of existence for a minute... when she returns the flying ship would have moved on and she will plummet to her death
- We are all amazed by Zema having fucking one-shotted the boss.
- A MASSIVE black dragon flies up through the cloud and roars, but then goes "meh" and doesn't chase
- Two other air ships come up from the clouds and flank us
- Anise turns the wheel to turn our ship to collide with another ship
- Ship collides and sends debris to Nuzzles, Tuzzles (Tylendel's giant eagle form), and Beakface.
- Narik, the talking squirrel, is all "Bitches I need a caster down here or we all gun die!"
- Ship starts sinking fast
- Narik informs Brek that the ship's engine is alive and has a target - Eltorel. If we abandon ship, it'll fly itself there and crash into the city.
- The Ruby Elemental that is powering the engine is falling apart - Brek uses magic glue to glue it back together. It's barely holding together.
- Brek tells Narik we need to GTFO, Narik says we can't, we need Brek and Whill and Anise to use their magic to disarm it first
- Narik steals Nuzzles and flies up to Balasar to tell him they need Anise below
- Tuzzles pokes his head into the hole in the hull and sees a couple bad guys, bites one and throws him out like one of the banshee's in Avatar attacking the helicopters
- Anise heads to the lower level of the ship
- Anise and Brek try to use a magic-eating sword and Anise crits...
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