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The one with all the trips
- We all start trippin balls
- Brek is staying perfectly still
- Whill thinks the grass is purple
- Tylendel tells the party that Doran should be sacrificed to him by drowning
- Tarnis is doing a handstand and speaking in tongues
- Balasar thinks his pockets are moving and his shoes are really heavy
- Anise thinks bird feathers are coming out of her mouth when she talks
- Shit's going down, y'all.
- Anise is vomiting feathers and yelling SPIDERS!
- Ezra has "peed" on all the trees in the area by casting light on them, claiming them as his.
- Whill has realized the trees are pink and tries to touch them, but Ezra keeps him away from his trees
- Balasar is like "FUCK THESE SPIDERS IN MY POCKETS!" and he empties his pockets
- Tylendel challenges Slazarin, who merely spits a mossy web and pins Tylendel to the ground. It does not go well for Tylendel. He would be humiliated if he wasn't so arrogant.
- Tarnis is whacked.
- Slazarin offers to get us all out of his swamp because he doesn't want to babysit a bunch of tweakers.
- Whill arm-siphons life from Tylendel and compels him to commit a petty crime.
- Tylendel pick-pockets Whill and steals Whill's... thieves tools.
- Nariq starts rounding people up to get them the fuck outta here before the dragon bores of us and eats us
- Brek finds a poisonous toad in the river and licks it to get EXTRA high, but he passes his Con save.
- A naked Brek exits the cold river. It was VERY cold, as the party can all see.
- A giant water thing comes up with weird pods in its mouth that offers comfortable seating for 7. We climb into it, moistly.
- It swims us all back to Greenest.
- 2 HOURS OF OUR SHROOM HIGH has now passed.
- Zema, the only party member who hadn't eaten any pancakes, tries to convince us that we're all on drugs but we're all like "whatever, dude"
- Tylendel demands to know where the nearest shrine to Kossuth is, as he must defile it.
- Zema talks to nearby humans and lets slip that we are the adventurers that messed up the town 6 months ago
- Anise terrifies the farmers by charming them to sit down and shut up lest her vomited up spiders eat their faces off.
- Zema tries using the Sending spell to the Governor but it does not go through.
- Zema picks the gate to the sewers where the party had escaped through 6 months ago.
- Zema sends message to druid whom he'd met before, she tells him to meet her at the temple
- Druid has a truth gem and we all spill the tea
- Tylendel carves symbols to Istishia in the temple, claiming Istishia would not have let this happen to the town
- Anise and Ezra send a messenger pigeon to El Torel informing them that Strahd is in Greenest, as a back-up plan should we TPK
- Balasar is having more pocket problems and starts emptying his inventory again
- Whill rolls in the fields nearby as the grass changes colours
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