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The One Where We Talk About Killing Anise Fo Reels
- Skari asks how to use the altar to get his arms back. Brek mentions he put his soulstone and diamond and asked for help and pulled the lever. We suggest he should give up something of personal value to him.
- He has nothing really to give up, so Tylendel offers up 2 medium rubies. They mention that it's not really Skari's payment though. Tylendel says he'll gift them to Skari as symbols of their undying friendship, which means the rubies mean super lots (he hopes?) to Skari now.
- Skari gives them up and prays and the altar heals him a bit and spits the rubies back out unaltered (un-altar-ed? ba-dum-tss)
- We mention Anise should use the altar to purify her soul. She scoffs and says she doesn't need to and doesn't have anything to give. Tylendel offers the rubies that didn't work for Skari. She says she'd trade.
- She offers up this "piece of garbage" pottery that says 'friendship' on it. Tylendel counters for the pottery (which he'd gifted to her) and 2 crossbow bolts. She accepts.
- The altar does not purify her soul.
- We head down the ladder, Tylendel hangs back and once everyone is out of sight, he flings the friendship pottery and shatters it, then follows them down.
- It's really dark down there and we have a bunch of blind bitches in the party, so Tylendel casts Dancing Lights and sends them down with the group. He groups them up to create a vague Ezra shape
- We explore what appears to be catacombs beneath High Hall
- We find a room with a bunch of sarcophagi and a nice meaty torch. Skari takes the torch so Tylendel can stop concentrating on his dancing light Ezra.
- We find foot prints leading one way and then sharply turning around and running out. We go to see what they ran from and find a commoner freaking the fuck out, talking about voices
- Whill disguises himself as a priest and engages him, but the rest of us see he's got flecks of demon goo on him and we're like "oh hell's to the fucking no" and back out
- Whill convinces him to take off his hood, he pulls it back and we see pulsating parts of his skull that looks like they are coated in good.
- He goes all whacko and we all start backing out. He goes up to a sarcophagus and opens it, the skeleton falls out and he reaches in and pulls out a lock box from inside.
- He puts the box down and then makes his way out of the room muttering and then runs down the hall. We decide it's a good idea to follow him since he would disarm any traps for us.
- Skari goes to grab the box and asks Tylendel to open it. We check it for traps and its clear, so he opens it and finds:
- bracers of defence
- greater healing potion
- blue elemental gem
- Tylendel asks to keep the blue gem for Zema (to help cure his elemental sickness), but gives the bracers and potion to Skari
- We catch up to the group who are following the pulsating head guy
- We hear an invisible sneeze and see a little tuft of dust amongst the party, and a silent "shit"
- We keep following the footprints and they split into 3 sets. We are like "da fuq"
- We end up in another tomb. Everyone agrees to not loot, but Tylendel is like "I'm gonna check the sarcophagus to make sure there's nothing undead in it" but secretly wants to loot the living motherfucking fuck out of these dead people.
- He opens the sarcophagus and doesn't see anything in there at first, and then a skeleton lets out a giant SHRIEK (that ONLY he hears) and falls onto him. Tylendel internally screams like a bitch. He rapidly picks up the skeleton and shoves it back into its crate and whispers "sorry"
- Skari and Balasar heard a bottle dropping on the floor while Tylendel was shoving the body back in. They examine it and notice it's a potion of some kind.
- Anise tries to guilt Tylendel into putting the potion back, but he's like "fuck no, YOU put it back". She does. She sees the illusion but doesn't react. She throws the potion back in and resets it and we head out.
- We turn a few corners and Brek ends up someplace scary and he hears deep scary voice saying "You must be worthy to enter"
- Brek tries to pass and feels a biting cold wind preventing him. Brek lists a few of his deeds and it lets him pass. It appears to be the tomb of a young woman that once saved the very early El Turel, perhaps a personification of Torm (as per written on the plaque)
- Anise tries to get by to take the sword and the spirit thing won't let her by, no matter her deeds
- Anise gets upset and demands that Zema save her. She starts screaming "I'm possessed! I'm possessed!"
- Tylendel suggests that the way he was saved was to die on the bridge. That he felt a certain type a way, a way he suspects Anise feels, and when he died and was resurrected, he felt back to his normal self.
- Zema and Balasar are like "wait hold up, are you suggesting what we think you're suggesting?!"
- Tylendel is like "yes. I have a sharp knife."
- Zema starts reading to find a way around not killing a party member.
- Brek places Ezra's wing in the alcove where the fancy dead woman is. It floats and places itself properly in there somehow.
- Skari was casting detect magic and it was a kaleidoscope of magic
- Zema decides to cast Divination to ask Ilmater how he can save Anise... but Ilmater will reply NEXT SESSION.
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